Saturday, April 30, 2011

download ebook kuliah ilmu Penyakit Dalam

Setelah Menyusun ebook kedokteran kuliah Forensik, akhirnya selesai juga ebook ilmu penyakit dalam. ebook ini hanya kumpulan materi kuliah, tidak mencakup semua pokok bahasan sih, namun lumayanlah untuk bahan bacaan.
sebenarnya repot banget memindahkan dari slide-slide kuliah menjadi ebook seperti ini, tapi saya lakukan untuk memberikan kemanfaatan kepada teman2 kedokteran yang membutuhkannya. walaupun tidak bisa wakaf harta, ane wakaf tenaga dan pikiran sajalah =)
mohon maaf kalau hasil karyaku ini memiliki buanyak sekali kekurangannya, maklumlah tiada manusia yang tiada pernah khilaf.
Silahkan Download di sini
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Semoga Sukses dalam mendownloadnya dan semoga bermanfaat :)

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wawancara nyebelin (cerita humor)

Seorang mahasiswa sedang mengadakan studi lapangan dan mewawancarai seorang peternak ayam.

Mahasiswa: "Makanan apa yang Bapak berikan untuk ayam-ayam Bapak?".

Peternak: "Yang mana dik, yang putih atau yang hitam?"

Mahasiswa: "Yang putih."

Peternak: "Campuran dedak,jagung dan beberapa bahan lainnya."

Mahasiswa: "Kalau yang hitam?"

Peternak: "Yang hitam juga ..."

Mahasiswa: "Berapa banyak makanan mereka per hari?"

Peternak: "Yang mana, yang putih atau yang hitam?"

Mahasiswa: "Yang putih..."

Peternak: "Kurang lebih 2 ons per ekor per hari."

Mahasiswa: "Kalau yang hitam?"

Peternak: "Yang hitam juga ..."

Mahasiswa: "Berapa telur yang dihasilkan per tahun?"

Peternak: "Yang mana, putih atau hitam?"

Mahasiswa : "Yang putih..."

Peternak: "Rata-rata 250 butir per tahun per ekor."

Mahasiswa: "Kalau yang hitam..??"

Peternak: "Yang hitam juga."

Mahasiswa: "Maaf Pak, kenapa sih Bapak selalu menanyakan yang putih atau hitam, padahal jawabannya selalu sama?"

Peternak: "Tentu saya harus membedakannya, karena yang putih itu milik saya sendiri."

Mahasiswa: "Ooo..begitu, kalau yang hitam?"

Peternak: "Yang hitam juga."

Mahasiswa : huhuhuhuhuhu... :'(

Cara Meningkatkan Kemampuan untuk Presentasi yang Sukses
Cara belajar EKG secara otodidak dengan cepat
Belajar Ngomong Bahasa inggris tanpa pusing karena Grammar

Friday, April 29, 2011

download ebook kedokteran : Catatan kuliah ilmu Forensik

Setelah Mempublikasikan ebook Essential Neurology (versi English), akhirnya selesai juga penyusunan materi-materi kuliahku dulu yang berkaitan dengan ilmu forensik dijadikan sebuah ebook dalam format file PDF. ebook ini disusun hanya dengan meng-copypaste-kan materi kuliah yang berasal dari slide-slide kuliahku dulu, sebagian ada yang kuberi nama siapa dokter pengajarnya di bawah judul materi.
Oleh karena itu, ane minta maaf kalau terdapat kesalahan pengetikan atau kalimat-kalimat yang tidak dimengerti. Namun, perlu diketahui, bahan kuliah inilah yang cuma saya pelajari waktu akan menghadapi ujian kuliah forensik, tidak baca textbook lagi. kalau ane baca textbook, otak makin berasap (pening-red).
ebook ini saya dedikasikan untuk seluruh umat manusia di dunia ini yang mengerti bahasa indonesia (klo gak ngerti bahasa indonesia, gimana mau bacanya, ya kan? hehe..)
 terutama untuk rekan-rekan mahasiswa kedokteran baik yang pre-klinik maupun klinik demi kemaslahatan umat. harap ebook ini tidak dikomersilkan dalam bentuk apapun (karena isinya memang masih amburadul :p).
setelah klik download, klik Skip Ad ,  
lalu klik Get file, masukkan kode , klik download

Semoga Sukses dalam mendownloadnya dan semoga bermanfaat :)

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Belajar Ngomong Bahasa inggris tanpa pusing karena Grammar

Essential Neurology (free ebook)

Ebook Kedokteran edisi ke-4 ini berbahasa inggris, jika kamu mau download ebook ini, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini

1. klik di sini
2. Anda akan masuk ke situs Files in, lalu klik tombol "Get your file",
3. masukkan kode yang muncul disana, klik tombol download (yg kecil), udah deh
Cara Meningkatkan Kemampuan untuk Presentasi yang Sukses
Cara belajar EKG secara otodidak dengan cepat
Belajar Ngomong Bahasa inggris tanpa pusing karena Grammar

Monday, April 18, 2011

Schwartz's Principles of Surgery 8 edition

For the past 35 years, the Principles of Surgery has been edited by Dr. Seymour Schwartz and a group of outstanding co-editors. It has been considered the leading large textbook for general surgery worldwide. I was surprised and deeply honored to have been asked to assume the role of editor-in-chief and was determined to ensure that the reputation of this legendary book would carry on its tradition of excellence. In this effort, the first assigned task was to select a new group of co-editors. After careful deliberation, five departmental chairmen who are leading scholars in a variety of specialties were selected from universities around the country. Our first meeting to discuss the development of the eighth edition of Schwartz's Principles of Surgery defined our first goal: to preserve the style and structure of the classic Principles of Surgery with its basic and clinical sections and to preserve the titles of 95% of the chapters. However, it soon became apparent after a thorough review of each chapter that new authors, those who were leaders in their respective fields, would be selected to compose this extensively updated and modernized text. Upon completion, 76% of the chapters are from new authors. These chapters contain the latest in surgical science, surgical techniques, and therapy for students, residents, and surgeons. Six new chapters have been added to round out this eighth edition: Cell, Genomics, and Molecular Surgery, Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Anesthesia of the Surgical Patient, the Surgical Management of Obesity, Patient Safety, Errors, and Complications in Surgery, and Surgical Considerations in the Elderly. Another important component of this work identified by the editorial team was the artwork. A new artist (Philip Ashley & Associates) was selected to direct the art program, which provides clear and consistent learning aids throughout the text and visually reflects the comprehensive and updated nature of this book.

The editorial team is deeply honored to carry forward the tradition of this great textbook into the 21st century. As a team we have worked diligently to create a state-of-the-art textbook to help students, residents, and surgeons study the craft of surgery and it is to students of surgery of all ages that we dedicate this book. It is your own devotion to learning the language of surgery that will translate into the best care of patients around the world. We hope the textbook will serve as the cornerstone of your own learning program as it has for the study of surgery for the past 35 years.

We wish to thank Katie Elsbury and Susie Lee for their exceptional skills in helping edit and coordinate all communication. We wish to thank Marc Strauss, Michelle Watt, and their team at McGraw-Hill for their willingness to work with us. We would also like to thank our families, whose love and support made this book possible.

F. Charles Brunicardi, M.D., F.A.C.S.
October 2004


Medicine has undergone several important changes over the last decade. Technologic and molecular advances have fundamentally changed the way diseases are treated. Access to the internet has changed the way both physicians and patients learn about diseases. Political and economic pressures have changed the way society views and reimburses medical care. The end result is that access to medical care, access to information about medical care and the very nature of the doctor-patient relationship have changed. These changes in medicine have resulted in a need for new approaches to medical education as well. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (AGME) developed the core competencies as a way to articulate, and measure, the specific goals of medical education in the United States.

The core competencies offer an effective conceptual framework to train surgeons and are designed to ensure that surgical residents will learn the skills necessary to competently and compassionately treat patients as they enter practice. The six core competencies, as designated by the ACGME are: patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and systems-based practice. These are principles that should make up the basis of competent surgical practice in the 21st century. Articulating these competencies, and mandating documentation that they have been learned, should ead to greater and more universal compliance with these principles. Even though the ACGME has mandated that all residency programs must train their residents in the six core competencies there is enormous flexibility in how this is to be accomplished. Training surgical residents in the modern health care system is an especially challenging endeavor. Not only must educators impart the medical knowledge of caring for patients and new advances in patient care but they must also impart the technical skills necessary to perform complex surgical procedures. Furthermore, with the burgeoning field of genomics and molecular biology, the surgical trainee must become adept at understanding and applying the latest in molecular medicine. The challenge of the surgical educator is to develop innovative and focused learning techniques to accomplish all six core competency mandates within an 80-h work week.

download part1(42,92Mb)
download part2(42,92Mb)
download part3(99,18Kb)
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Gray's Anatomy

Gray's Anatomy 40th Edition - CHM Version (FREE DOWNLOAD)

o Gray’s Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, 40 Edition - Churchill Livingstone | 2008 | ISBN: 0443066841 | 1576 pages | CHM | 75 MB

o Meticulously enhanced and updated artwork throughout – with 2,000 images now in full color – provide a more consistent, coherent view of every anatomical detail, providing practitioners across all specialties with the best, most clinically helpful visual understanding available.
o 200 completely new radiologic, CT, MR, and other imaging studies vividly capture anatomy as it is primarily seen by physicians.
o Gray’s Anatomy is the most Handy book of medical students who are engaged in anatomy trouble. Anatomy is really a tough subject and without proper reference book, all is in vein. So download it as soon as you can

download here

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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford Handbooks Series)


* The world's bestselling pocket medical handbook - the only choice for junior doctors and medical students
* Brand new design with full colour illustrations integrated throughout for the first time
* Much loved both for its top-quality clinical information, and for the wisdom that comes only from experience
* Revised, updated and improved throughout, with new junior authors to keep the content relevant
* Includes the 2006 Resuscitation Council guidelines
* Brand new design with integrated full-colour pictures on common problems such as rashes, scars and jaundice
* Includes a new chapter on radiology
* Covers new information on consent and how to handle common calls
* Greater coverage on medications and doses, clinical skills and surgery
* Three new junior co-authors on board to ensure that it is written at the right level for the market

As ubiquitous in hospitals as stethoscopes, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine is a guiding star for all medical students, junior doctors and trainees. The culmination of more than 20 years' clinical experience, and containing the knowledge and insight gained by more than 15 authors, the new eighth edition continues to be the definitive guide to today's clinical medicine.

New to this edition
• More extensive artwork and larger images for clarity of interpretation
• Contributions from three new junior authors from across the world, to ensure all the material is current and relevant, and has an international perspective
• The inclusion of a 'history and examination' chapter, which better reflects the working lives of junior doctors today
• Key references are clearly identified for each subject, representing the essential reading that underpin each area

Packed with clear, clinical management advice which is practical to implement at the bed-side, it is written in a clear and didactic style. With witty, esoteric asides linking medicine to everything from the classics to popular culture, all the material is presented in a way that is instantly memorable and even easier to put into practice.

With extensive improvements based on reader feedback, the new eighth edition boasts even more black and white and full-colour images. Mindful of how doctors' training is constantly evolving, a new chapter on 'history and examination' explores this relevant critical skill in depth, enabling you to elicit as much information from the patient as possible. An expanded radiology chapter features improved images, and new topics are devoted to new cancers such as nosocomial infections, and further common surgical procedures. The references have been thoroughly overhauled with 'key references' identifying the best places to start when researching a subject, and all references are fully accessible via the supporting website.

Loved and trusted by generations of doctors, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine is a reassuring beacon of wisdom, knowledge and skills that is forever in your sights.

Readership: Clinical medical students, junior doctors, general practitioners, and nurses. A wide range of other medical and allied health personnel.

Authors: Murray Longmore, Ian Wilkinson, Edward Davidson, Alexander Foulkes, and Ahmad Mafi
buku digital ringkasan materi keluaran oxford ini praktis, enak dibaca dan ringkas...

berisi semua materi komplit.....

merupakan referensi yang terpercaya.

bagus untuk Mahasiswa kedokteran, yang sedang ko-ass, atau untuk dokter pun juga oke.

Download Here

Download Here

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